This is the project I have decided to take on.
I was torn between the two projects, as both have aspects that I am very interested in.
Constructing in space gives a architects/innovators chance to create something that's not possible on earth - a chance to create architecture in environments that are completely unknown. This is extremely exciting as new rules have to be created, reinterpreting architecture as we know it.
Something that is challenging for professionals in the field, for someone like me it's almost impossible to design something of a level that I am capable of, as there is just too little research for me to base my design from.
Basic designs can be made, but anything more is very difficult - not that I'm not up for a challenge.
So, I've decided to do RESIDE - Mumbai Mixed Housing, as my Final Major Project.
Both projects consisted of equally challenging demands, but I felt RESIDE consisted of problems I was able to solve easier than MOONTOPIA.
One such problem with RESIDE was how I was going to clear the area of slums to be able to develop on top of it. This was solved by researching other proposed redevelopments in that area, and there are dissertations online as to how they would go about it, whilst also keeping the livelihoods of the residents.
On the other hand, a similar complication that arose with MOONTOPIA; how do I know the topography of the land to be able to exploit the land's shape as much as I can - the levels, the type of rock, how to prepare this new material for construction. This is probably not an architect's job, but I would like to be able to know for the project's sake.
As well as this, RESIDE is set in an area I am familiar with, as I have seen these areas first hand, and met residents such as these to know what sort of problems arise when redevelopments are introduced.
I have first-hand photographs of the area, relatives who live nearby who are able to go to the area to visit if need be.
There are many socio-political issues that need to be taken into consideration with this project.